May 19, 2018

Horse Haven of Tennessee presents Dancing for the Horses, an evening of fun and entertainment, to raise money to care for abused and neglected horses across Tennessee.

Held at Bridgewater Place, the event pairs local celebrities with professional dancers to compete on the dance floor for awards and bragging rights. Additionally, dancers have the chance to earn votes before the dancing event by fundraising. Each dollar donated is one vote towards their final score.

During the evening, guests will enjoy a served dinner, silent auction, and a photo booth with Twinkie, the Horse Haven mascot. At the end of the night, we will announce the winners and give out the coveted Isaac Award to the dancer with the highest total of their dancing score and their fundraising efforts.

Located at Bridgewater Place

Saturday, May 19 - 7-10pm

Contact: [email protected] or (865) 609-4030

Website: http://horsehaventn.org


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