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Editor's Letter

April showers bring May flowers and the age-old adage remains true as gardens bloom to life. Despite not having a green thumb, I was determined to nurse my rose bushes back to life after they suffered from disease last year. I am happy to report that my efforts were not in vain, and my roses are flourishing. While I celebrate this small victory, I’m reminded that May is a time of greater celebration for many families attending graduation ceremonies, ushering their loved ones to their next stage, whether it be entering Kindergarten or dare I say “the real world.” Congratulations to all our Knoxville area graduates!

In our May issue, we turn our spotlight onto the local business owners and entrepreneurs who make a major impact on our community. We love learning about people, sharing their stories and finding ways we can all support small businesses. Supporting local businesses not only fosters economic growth within our community, but also preserves the unique character of our neighborhoods. Enjoy learning more about these local leaders and their endeavors.

As always, thank you for being a loyal reader and allowing us the privilege of sharing stories and happenings that matter to you. 

-Lindsay Hughes

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